West Coast

West Coast

Imagine Dragons

更新:2023-07-16 01:36
One more day we'll spend together
总有一天 我们会共度余生
Lay your ass go upon me for the better
躺在我身旁 和我一起奔向更美好的未来
Oh I know I'm worse for weather
我知道 我比恶劣的天气还糟糕
But my love I won't give up
但我的挚爱 我不会轻易放弃
Spend my days cursing my soul
Wishing I could paint my scars to make me whole
多希望我能藏起伤痛 完好如初
Oh I know I could be better
我知道 我可以变得更好
But my love I won't give up
但我的挚爱 我不会轻易放弃
I ain't no superman I ain't no holy ghost
我不是超人 也不是圣洁的亡魂
I'm just the one 
Who keeps you up at night you love the most
让你彻夜难眠的人 你最爱的人
I'll be your strong man I'll be your west coast
我会成为你坚强的后盾 成为你防寒的外套
I'll be the sun I'll be the waves 
成为你的温暖阳光 惬意的海浪
I'll be the one you love the most
Ooh hey hey hey oh
I'll be I'll be I'll be I'll be 
我会成为 我会成为 我会成为
I'll be your west coast honey
Ooh hey hey hey oh
Hey hey hey hey hey 
I'll be I'll be I'll be I'll be 
我会成为 我会成为 我会成为
I'll be your west coast honey
I'll change my ways if you would stay
如果你愿意留下来 我愿意做出改变
All your tears you have cried will go away
Oh just grant me one more day
Oh my love please don't give up
我的挚爱 请别放弃
See the devil at my door
I see the future of the ones I've ignored
那些我未曾在意的人 我看到了他们的未来
I guess I was born to be at war
我想 我生来就注定要苦苦奋战
But my love I won't give up
但我的挚爱 我不会轻易放弃
So my love please don't give up
所以 我的挚爱 别放弃
I ain't no superman I ain't no holy ghost
我不是超人 也不是圣洁的亡魂
I'm just the one 
Who keeps you up at night you love the most
让你彻夜难眠的人 你最爱的人
I'll be your strong man 
I'll be your west coast
I'll be the sun I'll be the waves 
我会成为你温暖的阳光 惬意的海浪
I'll be the one you love the most
Ooh hey hey hey oh
I'll be I'll be I'll be I'll be 
我会成为 我会成为 我会成为
I'll be your west coast honey
我会成为你安居的西海岸 甜心
Ooh hey hey hey oh
I'll be I'll be I'll be I'll be 
我会成为 我会成为 我会成为
I'll be your west coast honey
我会成为你安居的西海岸 甜心
I'll be I'll be I'll be I'll be 
我会成为 我会成为 我会成为
I'll be your west coast honey I get that feeling 
甜心 我有种感觉 我会成为你安居的西海岸 
I'll be I'll be I'll be I'll be 
我会成为 我会成为 我会成为
I'll be your west coast honey I get that feeling 
甜心 我有种感觉 我会成为你安居的西海岸