


更新:2023-07-07 15:57
Tipping toeing down your spine when everyone's around
身边众人环绕 电流丝丝滑过脊柱
Kiss me hard forget them judging eyes
不管不顾旁人瞩目眼光 忘我亲吻吧
Who cares about what is to come no I don't fear the night
谁会在乎将来之事 不 我不惧怕黑夜
Let's show 'em what it is to be alive
走自己的路 让人们匍匐仰望
If nothing is for keeps, can I keep you just for a minute?
若尘世俱散 我是否能够和你相依相偎哪怕只有顷刻
I don't know what's real but I really wanna feel you now
孰真孰假 我已晕头转向 但此刻我只想感知你的存在
Get a little too close can I stop your heart for a moment?
贴近一点 气息清晰 我可以在你心尖停留哪怕瞬间么
If I don't even care, is that really such a crime?
若我无欲无求 那算是罪过么
If I don't even care, is that really such a crime?
若我不闻不问 那算是犯错么
If I don't even care, is that really such a crime?
若我充耳不闻 那算是过错么
Shed your layer lay with me let's waste a little time
丢掉你的牵绊与身段 与我同眠 让我们静静看着时间从指间溜走吧
And if it all burns down well that's just life
如果一切都要燃烧殆尽 成灰成空 那其实才是生活本色
Oh, we're all going anyways
噢 无论如何我们都是勇往直前
So let's let it out too loud
If nothing is for keeps, can I keep you just for a minute?
如果一切都将随风逝去 我可以与你紧紧相拥哪怕转瞬即逝
I don't know what's real but I really wanna feel you now
此时此刻我心皆空 我只想感知你的温度
Get a little too close can I stop your heart for a moment?
贴得太近 你的心脏能只为我跳动哪怕一秒么
If I don't even care, is that really such a crime?
若我漠不关心 你会觉得我犯错了么
If I don't even care, is that really such a crime?
若我置若罔闻 你会认为我有罪过么
If I don't even care, is that really such a crime?
若我蔽聪塞明 你会感觉这是一种罪?
If I don't even care, is that really such a crime?
若我装聋作哑 你会坚信我堕入深渊?
thgin eht raef t'nod I on emoc ot si tahw tuoba serac ohW
seye gnigduj meht tegrof drah em ssiK